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Change log entry 69814
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-06-21 10:01:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64871 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. first year (of a reign/etc.)

1 first year (of an era or of the reign of an emperor)
2 first year (of tremendous changes in the system of government or governmental organization)

1. 帝王即位或帝王改号后的第一年。
| 鲁隐公~
| 天宝~。
2. 纪年的第一年。
| 西元~。
3. 初创的第一年。
| 足球联赛~
| 2010年被视为电子书~。

1. 我国旧日以人君即位的第一年、或改元的第一年为元年。
| 《公羊传.隐公元》:「元年者何?君之始年也。」
2. 以建国的第一年为元年。如:「民国元年」。
3. 因纪念教祖而定。如基督教以耶稣降生的那一年为元年,佛教以佛去世的那一年为元年,回教以穆罕默德出奔的那一年为元年。

1 名 帝王即位的第一年或帝王改号后的第一年
| 清康熙元年。
2 名 纪年的第一年
| 公元元年
| 民国元年。

Thus the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China in 1912 was a fairly good one for its time.

This year is the first year of complete establishment of China-ASEAN free trade area.

Right now, it doesn’t seem so ridiculous to ask whether 2008 will come to be seen as the first year of a distinctly non-American century.

The first silk appeared in Rome in AD1. In return for silk, China received wine, spices, wool and other goods.

In response to such issues as an aging population and low birthrates, the Executive Yuan has declared 2019 “year one” of its regional revitalization policy, hoping to recharge local economies through development strategies that integrate community develop­ment, local industries and the cultural and creative industries.

Professional Baseball's Debut Year--A Year to Remember!

The Singapore branch of Su­food opened its doors in May, a moment which Wow­prime chairman Steve Day announced as the start of a new era in the group’s international efforts. After Singapore, the group now have their sights set on the US, and plan to speed up their moves into the global market.
- 元年 元年 [yuan2 nian2] /first year of an emperor's reign/
+ 元年 元年 [yuan2 nian2] /first year of an emperor's reign/first year of an era/first year of a significant time period/
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