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Change log entry 69744
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-06-09 10:54:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65448 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
r[edulicated].f[orm]. passionately attached

| 《楚辞.王逸.九思.伤时》:「顾章华兮太息,志恋恋兮依依。」
| 《史记.卷七九.范雎蔡泽传》:「然公之所以得无死者,以绨袍恋恋、有故人之意,故释公。」

| 冰心《六一姊》:恋恋的挨着她坐着, 无聊的注目台上。

Decorating water banks and sand bars, paradise for butterflies and birds, to make people lingering.

看护也笑着,说,“不要紧的,早晚会有,孩子还小,他还不在乎呢。” 一面便来抱我,母亲恋恋的放了手。
"Don't worry, the milk will come eventually, He's stall too little to mind, " the nurse picked me up and Mother reluctantly let go of me.

> Finally Ah Q would have to squeeze his way back through the crowd and stand on the sidelines, now reduced to becoming excited or disappointed on someone else's behalf. He would continue to watch until the game broke up and then reluctantly make his way back to the Land-and-Grain Temple. #3 Next day, with swollen eyes, Ah Q would go to work. (Lyell)
> Finally he would be forced to squeeze his way out of the crowd and watch from the back, taking a vicarious interest in the game until it broke up, when he would return reluctantly to the Tutelary God's Temple. The next day he would go to work with swollen eyes. (Yangs)
> until there was nothing left for him to do but push his way back from the front line, and watch from the back, feeling anxious on other people's behalf. When everyone else scattered he, too, would take himself reluctantly back to his temple, appearing for work the next day with puffy eyes. (Lovell)

这儿的小街确是一条文化艺术品的长廊,走不出几步就见一处画店,墙上挂案上摆,字画琳琅满目,精湛上乘之作也不在少数。除售字画的外,售木雕脸谱的,售丝麻刺绣的,售彩绘卵石的,售神鬼画像的……那些“小玩艺儿”,大多玲珑剔透,匠心独具,吸引着中外游客恋恋 不愿走开。

他想要吻她,虽然只认识了半天,但是那种温和却持续的迷恋纠缠着他。他觉得自己像是一只迷恋上花儿的蝶,恋恋 不肯离去。

赵一荻去世后,张学良仍然动也不动地坐在她身边,双手紧紧握着她的手不放,仿佛他们仍然一起行走在人生的旅程上。赵四小姐死去整整一个小时之后,老人仍然坐在轮椅上恋恋 不肯离开,他和她的手仍握在一起。
# 戀戀 恋恋 [lian4 lian4] /reluctant (to leave)/
+ 戀戀 恋恋 [lian4 lian4] /reluctant (to leave, to let go etc)/
By MDBG 2024
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