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Change log entry 69724
Processed by: richwarm (2020-06-07 01:08:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66064 - submitted by 'phantom' >>
Chinese forces Republican and Communist united to fight Japan, this is an extremely inappropriate place to bring in party politics

1) It wasn't Republican forces; it was Communist forces.
"The Battle of Pingxingguan (平型关战役), commonly called the Great Victory of Pingxingguan in Mainland China, was an engagement fought on September 25, 1937, at the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War, between the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party of China and the Imperial Japanese Army."

2) When the term 平型关大捷 is used, it's typically in the context of glorifying the success of the Eighth Route Army specifically, not Chinese forces in general.

That's why it's appropriate to mention "Communist forces" in our definition.
- 平型關大捷 平型关大捷 [Ping2 xing2 guan1 da4 jie2] /victory of Pingxingguan pass, famous victory of Republican Chinese forces over the Japanese in Sep 1937/
# + 平型關大捷 平型关大捷 [Ping2 xing2 guan1 da4 jie2] /victory of Pingxingguan pass, famous victory of Chinese forces over the Japanese in Sep 1937/
# Editor:
+ 平型關大捷 平型关大捷 [Ping2 xing2 guan1 Da4 jie2] /Great Victory at Pingxing Pass, ambush of Japanese troops by Communist forces on September 25, 1937 at 平型關|平型关[Ping2 xing2 guan1]/
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