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Change log entry 69682
Processed by: richwarm (2020-05-27 10:50:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66073 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 2 / 2
Britannica says CCP while Wikipedia says CPC.. though I think CCP may still be a bit more prevalent in English media? Still not sure which one we should use tho..
- 習近平 习近平 [Xi2 Jin4 ping2] /Xi Jinping (1953-), PRC politician, General Secretary of the CPC from 2012, president of the PRC from 2013/
+ 習近平 习近平 [Xi2 Jin4 ping2] /Xi Jinping (1953-), PRC politician, General Secretary of the CCP from 2012, president of the PRC from 2013/
- 縣委 县委 [xian4 wei3] /CPC county committee/
+ 縣委 县委 [xian4 wei3] /CCP county committee/
- 中辦 中办 [Zhong1 Ban4] /General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC/abbr. for 中共中央辦公廳|中共中央办公厅[Zhong1 gong4 Zhong1 yang1 Ban4 gong1 ting1]/
+ 中辦 中办 [Zhong1 Ban4] /General Office of the Central Committee of the CCP/abbr. for 中共中央辦公廳|中共中央办公厅[Zhong1 gong4 Zhong1 yang1 Ban4 gong1 ting1]/
- 中共中央辦公廳 中共中央办公厅 [Zhong1 Gong4 Zhong1 yang1 Ban4 gong1 ting1] /General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC, responsible for technical and logistical matters relating to the Central Committee/abbr. to 中辦|中办[Zhong1 Ban4]/
+ 中共中央辦公廳 中共中央办公厅 [Zhong1 Gong4 Zhong1 yang1 Ban4 gong1 ting1] /General Office of the Central Committee of the CCP, responsible for technical and logistical matters relating to the Central Committee/abbr. to 中辦|中办[Zhong1 Ban4]/
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