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Change log entry 69596
Processed by: richwarm (2020-05-06 22:46:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65142 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
assuming it's a Tw word...
1) as Sogou pinyin didn't recognize the word
2) 23k vs 170k verb hits

Wp: 完封 (Shutout,通常记为SHO),是一个棒球比赛的术语,完封的意思是指球队在比赛中,从第一局开始到结束(正规的棒球比赛是九局,但比赛不一定都会在第九局结束,可能会有延长赛或调整局数的规定),某队的投手都没有让对方得分直至比赛结束(例如:比数是5比0),如果是先发投手投出完封,则该投手完成一次完封胜。如果后援投手在首局无人出局,球队无失分的情形下接替投球,最终能无失分结束比赛,则可记录该后援投手完封。如果是由一位以上的投手合力投出完封,则是该队完封对手,但不算先发投手的完封胜。

1) As far as I can tell, 完封 is also the term used on the mainland for "shutout".
For example, this BB page says
... 投手犯规、投球局数、完投、完封、胜利投手、...
and 当天的另一场比赛,三商虎队投手涂鸿钦击败味全龙队,并成为第一位写下完封胜的投手。

It's just that baseball isn't such a popular game there, the way it is in Taiwan, so there aren't so many G results on .cn sites.


2) 完封 is also a verb (meaning "to shut out") and it seems to be used in sports other than baseball (e.g. see the final example below, which relates to ice hockey).

MW ~ shut out : transitive verb : [...] 2: to prevent (an opponent) from scoring in a game or contest

Verb usage examples:
- 洋基已經連續220場比賽沒有被完封了
- 上次期中考,妳好像被我完封了對吧
- 扬基已经连续220场比赛没有被完封了
- 在準決賽中,以五比零完封了日本
- 他们完封了每一支队伍 Like, they just crushed every team.
- 洛杉矶国王坐镇斯台普斯中心,4-0完封了来访的埃德蒙顿油人队。
# 完封 完封 [wan2 feng1] /(baseball) shutout (Tw)/
+ 完封 完封 [wan2 feng1] /(baseball etc) shutout/to shut out (the opposing team)/
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