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Change log entry 69583
Processed by: richwarm (2020-04-30 00:03:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63538 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
GRAND RICCI gives 蒼狗 cāng gŏu 1. (Allus.) Chien gris: mauvais augure (allus. à l’impératrice 呂Lü, veuve de l’empereur 高祖Gao Zu [256-195 A.C.; dyn. Han de l’Ouest] qui, apercevant un chien gris le prit pour un mauvais présage). 2. Abrév. de 蒼狗白雲 cāng gŏu bái yún: blancs nuages mués en chien gris (d’après le poème 可歎Ke Tan de 杜甫Du Fu[712-770 ; dyn. 唐Tang]) : vicissitudes de ce monde ; changements imprévisibles d’une situation.

baike.baidu.com gives白云苍狗是一个成语,读音是bái yún cāng gǒu,指浮云像白衣裳,顷刻又变得像灰色的狗,比喻世事变幻无常。

Editor: Those references are not saying that 蒼狗白雲 means "a bad omen". They are saying it means
- vicissitudes de ce monde ; changements imprévisibles d’une situation. [Grand Ricci]
- 世事变幻无常 [Baidu Baike]

"The world situation became changeable and unpredictable with the terrorist wave of 1967, the movement to protect the Tiaoyutai islands, the endless stream of refugees, the stock market storm of 1973, and the two oil crises of 1974 and 1979. Deep at heart, confidence in the future was beginning to collapse."
# 蒼狗 苍狗 [Cang1 gou3] /'grey dog': bad omen/also short for 蒼狗白雲 cang1 gou3 bai2 yun2, which stands for white clouds changing into the shape of a grey dog, also a bad omen./
# Editor:
- 白衣蒼狗 白衣苍狗 [bai2 yi1 cang1 gou3] /lit. (cloud shapes) changing from a white shirt to a gray dog (idiom)/fig. the impermanence of all things/
+ 白衣蒼狗 白衣苍狗 [bai2 yi1 cang1 gou3] /lit. (cloud shapes) changing from a white shirt to a gray dog (idiom)/fig. the unpredictable changeability of the world/
+ 白雲蒼狗 白云苍狗 [bai2 yun2 cang1 gou3] /lit. a white cloud transforms into what looks like a gray dog (idiom)/fig. the unpredictable changeability of the world/
+ 蒼狗 苍狗 [cang1 gou3] /(fig.) the unpredictable changeability of the world/bad omen/
By MDBG 2024
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