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Change log entry 69574
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-04-27 16:42:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66020 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) Discussion at Wiktionary:
A: Just wondering: is 學家 an actual compound? Compounds like 經濟學家 should be decomposed as X學 + 家, not X + 學家, and it seems to me that 藝術史學家 is 藝術史學 + 家, not 藝術史 + 學家.

B: I agree. I think 學家 should be deleted.

C: Good spot. Yes, I don't think 學家 is a word. It is not in any of the major dictionaries.

2) It is in K, but K copied a number of dud entries from us in the past.
Also, K makes it clear (in its definition) that it's not an independent word, but rather a suffix.
But even that is debatable, it seems to me.
A 數學家 is a 數學 (math) 家(specialist), not a 數(number) 學家(scholar).
- 學家 学家 [xue2 jia1] /scholar/
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