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Change log entry 69570
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-04-25 09:52:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66022 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
No dictionary or example of usage that I've seen implies that it can be a person ("a laughingstock").

LA ~ 因粗心大意或缺乏常識、經驗使得舉止言行失措,引人發笑。

Of course, sightless people sometimes get themselves into funny situations, too. For example: While shopping for clothes in a department store, a blind person runs his hands over a mannequin for ages before realizing that it's a living person; or, ducks down to climb into a taxi before those already in the taxi have had a chance to get out. When they tell each other such jokes, the blind don't really know whether to laugh or cry.

it was said that drinking this tea would keep the rookie from getting stage fright and pulling a major blooper.

He considered himself much too high-minded ever to get himself involved in a scandal.

He was only in his early twenties yet already making such a fool of himself. What would happen when he was thirty or forty?

He was quite capable of doing something ludicrous like that.
- 鬧笑話 闹笑话 [nao4 xiao4 hua4] /made to look a fool/a laughingstock/
+ 鬧笑話 闹笑话 [nao4 xiao4 hua4] /to make a fool of oneself/
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