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Change log entry 69505
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-04-06 08:06:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65200 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
r[esultative].v[erb]. gush; gush/pour out

| 泉水不断~
| ~一大批人才。


The lady fainted at(the)sight of blood pouring from her wound.

Oil poured out of the wreck of the ship .

The people poured out of their building when they heard the fire alarm.

> She was quite full of herself and the words flowed out in a torrent: she spoke of Lianshu's illness, of how it had been with him when he was alive, and even supplied some criticism of her own. (Lyell)
> She rattled on her words pouring out like a flood. She spoke of Wei's illness, incidents during his life, and even voiced certain criticisms. (Yangs)
> The words gushed out of her in a merry torrent, prattle about his illness, about his last few months and about her own views on both subjects. (Lovell)

> He writes only when inspired, and his works are like the rays of the sun, welling up out of an infinite source of light-not fleeting sparks struck from a stone. (Lyell)
> …One writes simply as one feels: such a work is like sunlight, radiating from a source of infinite brightness, not like a spark from a flint struck on iron or stone. This alone is true art. (Yangs)
> ... whatever he writes - or chooses not to write - is an expression of the self; a shaft of sunlight blazing out from an infinite light source, not the occasional spark struck from a flint. (Lovell)

Editor: wrong trad.
# 涌出 涌出 [yong3 chu1] /to gush/to gush out/to pour out/
+ 湧出 涌出 [yong3 chu1] /to gush/to gush out/to pour out/
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