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Change log entry 69465
Processed by: richwarm (2020-03-21 03:28:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62610 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
戏精,网络流行语,拼音xì jīng,最早是比喻表演、演戏很厉害的人。生活中的戏精是指在某些特定的时间地点,通过表演或模仿的行为,令人感觉像剧中演员一样,产生错觉。网络流行用语中,戏精通常带有诙谐、搞笑的含义。

1) I found various webpages from 2017 talking about the term, and the Wiktionary entry was created in Dec 2017.
The 2017 date can of course be changed if earlier usage comes to light.

2) I'd like to see examples of the "brilliant actor" sense before adding that.

3) Some references:

A Chinese word of “戏精 xì jīnɡ” has been increasingly popular online. This word is usually used while someone who is overacting in some small things. Like some online celebrities, they often exaggerate their reaction purposely to attract viewers’ attention. As time passes, this word becomes popular.

This term is coined by Chinese netizens to refer to those who are always exaggerating and trying to draw people’s attention, somewhat similar to the English phrase “drama queen.” With a derogatory connotation, this term needs to be used carefully, perhaps between friends in joking situations.

Learn a Chinese Phrase #124: "Drama Demon" (戏精 )
# 戲精 戏精 [xi4 jing1] /(Internet slang) brilliant actor/drama queen/
# Editor:
+ 戲精 戏精 [xi4 jing1] /(neologism c. 2017) melodramatic person/drama queen/
By MDBG 2024
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