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Change log entry 69462
Processed by: richwarm (2020-03-20 22:46:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65361 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* "a person of wide knowledge and sound scholarship" sounds too good not to use, I can't think of a better definition.

n. a person of wide knowledge and sound scholarship

person of wide knowledge and sound scholarship

| 达士~
| ~达才。

| 汉.王充《论衡.超奇》:「通书四篇以上,万卷以下,弘畅雅言,审定文读,而以教授为人师者,通人也。」
| 南朝梁.刘勰《文心雕龙.论说》:「所以通人恶烦,羞学章句。」

名 指知识丰富、贯通古今的人。

我所聊以自慰的,是还有一个“阿”字非常正确,绝无附会假借的缺点,颇可以就正于通人。 1v3呐喊10阿Q正传
> There's one thing I do pride myself on: when you take the "Q" away from "Ah Q," you've still got an "Ah" there, and I'm positive I haven't mixed that character up with any other. I could show that one off to anybody, no matter how learned. (Lyell)
> The only thing that consoles me is the fact that the character “Ah” is absolutely correct. This is definitely not the result of false analogy, and is well able to stand the test of scholarly criticism. (Yangs)
> My only consolation in this whole sorry business is that one syllable of his name at least – ‘Ah' - can boast of an unimpugnable correctness. (Lovell)


在这样清理的中间,居然检出还有一封带有信纸的信。金太太连忙抽出来一看,字体写得非常恶劣,显然不是一个通人 写的字。
+ 通人 通人 [tong1 ren2] /learned person/person of wide knowledge and sound scholarship/
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