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Change log entry 69458
Processed by: richwarm (2020-03-20 06:40:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64938 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I think 真象 is about "the true picture", not "the whole picture".

All the dictionaries I consulted -- except HDC (which does mention the story of the blind men and the elephant -- indicate that 真象 has the same meaning as 真相. That is, it means "the actual facts", not "the whole elephant" or "the whole picture" or "the overall view of the whole situation".

i.e. it's about what is *true*, not about the *wholeness of the picture*.

I checked most of the J examples, and none of them suggested in the English that it was about "wholeness". Certainly, none of the sentences related to elephants.

J ~ How would you complete this sentence: "If the truth hurts,"

J ~ And then to the waiter he betrayed the fact that the minutest coin and himself were strangers.

Also, in TP:
Determining historical truth is always a complicated business, and from any single viewpoint it's hard to come to firm conclusions.

ABC, PLC and Wiktionary all say 真象 is a variant of 真相, and 真相 is "the true picture", not "the whole picture".
- 真象 真象 [zhen1 xiang4] /the whole elephant (i.e. not the small parts felt by the proverbial blind feelers)/fig. the whole picture/a realistic overall view of the whole situation/
+ 真象 真象 [zhen1 xiang4] /(variant of 真相[zhen1 xiang4]) the truth about sth/the actual facts/
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