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Change log entry 69457
Processed by: richwarm (2020-03-20 01:03:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65952 - submitted by 'lardlebosh' >>
I think 'dumb luck' has the same meaning as unexpected success, or maybe un-earnt success, but keeps luck - '运' - as part of the translation

Editor: Thanks.

1) ChinesePod
A: 生活失意在所难免呀,不忘初心就行了,何必在乎一时的得失。
Disappointments are unavoidable in life, just don't forget your original intention. Why get caught up temporary successes or failures.

B: 说得倒轻巧,那是你一路顺遂,看你每天撞狗屎运试试。哎呀,我好想回到过去,回到没有烦恼的学生时代啊。
You say it so lightly. That's because everything has gone so well for you, I'd like to chance it with some dumb luck every day like you. Ah, I'd love to return to the past, to my student days when I had no troubles.

ii) 你是走了狗屎运。You're a lucky dog.

2) Wiktionary
What kind of random good luck this guy's been having to let him get this good thing?

3) native speaker explanation + example:
# 狗屎運 狗屎运 [gou3 shi3 yun4] /unexpected success/Lucky bastard! (slang)/dumb luck/
# Editor:
- 狗屎運 狗屎运 [gou3 shi3 yun4] /unexpected success/Lucky bastard! (slang)/
+ 狗屎運 狗屎运 [gou3 shi3 yun4] /(coll.) (other people's) dumb luck/
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