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Change log entry 69430
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-03-11 09:53:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65031 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v.o. change owners/masters

VERB pass from one owner to another; change hands
| 房产已经易主。
| The property ownership has changed.
| 江山频易其主。
| The state power changed hands frequently.

| 土地~
| 江山~。


动 (权力或财产等)更换主人
| 天下易主
| 奖杯易主。

Since then power has ebbed from Labour's most successful prime minister towards the man who thinks he should have had the job all along.

A dozen House seats there may change hands. Here, too, the campaigns have turned nasty.

A shop that has been in the area for years may close down, or undergo a change of ownership;

When the Nationalists lost control of the mainland in 1949, more than a million mainlanders fled with them to Taiwan.

Over these 1000 years of Chinese history, through many changes of dynasty, shifts in political power and changes of capital city, this imperial collection followed the capital north and south many times and became richer and richer.

Up on the tile roof, broken stalks of withered vines trembled in the wind and made plain the reason it had not been possible to keep those old rooms from changing hands. (Lyell)
Broken stems of withered grass on the roof, trembling in the wind, made very clear the reason why this old house could not avoid changing hands. (Yangs)
In among the roof tiles, broken, withered stems of grass trembled in the wind, testimony to the old owners' inability to maintain the clan establishment. (Lovell)
+ 易主 易主 [yi4 zhu3] /(of property) to change owners/(of sovereignty, political power etc) to change hands/
By MDBG 2024
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