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Change log entry 69421
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-03-10 13:23:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64830 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Only Wenlin mentions “leather overalls”.
* Since the first gloss in the 长袍 entry reads “chang pao (traditional Chinese men's robe)”, calling the garment by that name should be enough, but changpao should be only one word (https://www.topchinatravel.com/china-guide/types-of-chinese-clothing.htm https://www.quora.com/What-is-The-changpao, for examples of the word changpao used in English).

① leather overalls
② fur-lined gown

NOUN fur gown

1. 用毛皮做里子的中式长袍。

名 毛皮吊上面子的中式长袍。

由这些老友,他看出自己这场事不但办得热闹,而且“改良”。 那些老友的穿戴已经落伍,而四爷的皮袍马褂都是新做的。
Their coming convinced him not only that the party was a success but that he had "risen" in status, for they were shabbily dressed while his fur-lined gown and jacket were brand-new.

What was more, that form gradually solidified into an oppressive weight that bore down upon me until it had squeezed out the pettiness that was hidden beneath my big fur coat. (Lyell)
At the same time he seemed gradually to be exerting a pressure on me which threatened to overpower the small self hidden under my fur-lined gown. (Yangs)
It seemed to bear down on me, pressing out the petty selfishness concealed beneath my fur coat. (Lovell)
+ 皮袍 皮袍 [pi2 pao2] /fur-lined changpao 長袍|长袍[chang2 pao2]/
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