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Change log entry 69413
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-03-09 19:42:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65921 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Not necessarily plural, it can be just a person.

① savage
② rustic people

1. 古代指居于郊野的人;农民;平民。
| 君子修德,以教~。
2. 尚未开化的人类。
| ~之谜
| 神农架发现~踪迹。
3. 粗野没有教养的人。
| 他是~,说话有些粗,大家多担待。

1. 未開化的蠻人。
2. 居處村野的平民。
| 《左傳.僖公二十三年》:「出於五鹿,乞食於野人,野人與之塊,公子怒,欲鞭之。」
| 《孟子.滕文公上》:「夫滕壤地褊小,將為君子焉?將為野人焉?無君子莫治野人,無野人莫養君子。」
3. 稱粗野無禮的人。
| 《紅樓夢.第五二回》:「比如方纔說話,雖是背地裡,姑娘就直叫他的名字,在姑娘們就使得,在我們就成了野人了。」

But the savage being a stout lusty fellow, closing in with him, had thrown him down.

A few Brazilians first heard of the lone Indian in 1996, when loggers in the western state of rondonia began spreading a rumor: a wild man was in the forest, and he seemed to be alone.

But the mere fact that he was man, however wild, had somewhat reassured me, and my fear of Silver began to revive in proportion.
- 野人 野人 [ye3 ren2] /savage people/
# + 野人 野人 [ye3 ren2] /a savage/uncivilized person/
+ 野人 野人 [ye3 ren2] /a savage/uncivilized person/(old) commoner/
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