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Change log entry 69402
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-03-09 08:38:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65917 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. 正人君子, already in the dictionary

n. honest/loyal man; gentleman

1. 正直的人。
| 《書經.冏命》:「其侍御僕從,罔匪正人。」
| 《三國演義.第二回》:「朝廷正人皆去,禍在目前矣!」
2. 主事或當家的人。
| 《二刻拍案驚奇.卷二○》:「我家沒有男子正人,哥兒們又小,不敢自做主。」

| 谢觉哉《从纪念杜甫想起的》:统治阶级仇视正人, 从古到今是一样的。

Wang was an upright man.Now that he was being forced out because of his principles, he liked having a little excitement attendant on his leaving to lessen the dreariness of his departure and didn't want to slip off alone as though eloping.

> Now our Ah Q started out as an upright man too. Though we don't know if this was because he had been shown the way by some enlightened teacher, we do know that he rigorously observed the great barrier that should be 'twixt the he and the she and was well endowed with a sense of moral uprightness that made him despise heretical behavior such as that of the young nun or the Fake Foreign Devil. (Lyell)
> Ah Q, too, was a man of strict morals to begin with. Although we do not know whether he was guided by some good teacher, he had always shown himself most scrupulous in observing “strict segregation of the sexes,” and was righteous enough to denounce such heretics as the little nun and the Bogus Foreign Devil. (Yangs)
> Until this point in his career, Ah-Q had been blessed with a character that was rigid in its uprightness. Although we have no way of knowing whether he had ever received personal moral guidance from any celebrated spiritual authority, he had always strictly upheld classically ordained prohibitions concerning the segregation of the sexes, and rejected - with righteous bile - the conduct of heretics such as the young nun or the Fake Foreign Devil. (Lovell)
+ 正人 正人 [zheng4 ren2] /upstanding person/upright person/
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