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Change log entry 69368
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-03-04 12:57:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65027 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
| 鲁迅《风波》:七斤既然犯了皇法, 想起他往常对人谈论城中的新闻的时候, 就不该含着长烟管显出那般骄傲模样。

> What was more, thinking back on things it occurred to them that since Sevenpounder was after all a man who had gone against the imperial law, he should not have acted so high and mighty in the past when he used to sit there and smoke his pipe as he told them all the news he had picked up in town. They even seemed a bit pleased to learn that he was a lawbreaker. They also seemed inclined to express their opinions about what had just transpired, but at the same time they felt that they had no opinions worth expressing. (Lyell)
> And since Sevenpounder had broken the imperial law he should not, they felt, have adopted that lordly air, smoking that long pipe of his, when he told them the news from town. So the thought that he had broken the law gave them a certain pleasure. They would have liked to air their views, but did not know what to say. (Yangs)
> But there was also a certain pleasure in contemplating that the village bigwig was now a fugitive from the law, as they thought back to all those times he’d smugly lectured them, pipe in mouth, on doings in the city. A village council, they felt, was in order; and yet they could think of nothing to say. (Lovell)

朱君宇狞笑道:“皇法?我便是皇法 。”

每天,从批斗会回到“牛棚”,桑伟川已精疲力尽。但是,他不休息,他还要写。不是写检查交代材料,而是写揭发批判文章。不仅写,而且投给《文汇报》、《红旗》。十二月十五日,桑伟川在《〈文汇报〉形“左”实右倾向必须纠正》一文中写道:“我写了一篇文章,触犯了哪家的皇法 ?对作为群众一员的我专政,试问你们是什么阶级?”
+ 皇法 皇法 [huang2 fa3] /imperial law/same as 王法[wang2 fa3]/
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