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Change log entry 69361
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-03-04 10:19:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65456 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
conj. if

如果, 假如。
| 洪深《戏剧导演的初步知识》:倘如换去原有形式, 而改用那强劲有力的俄国民间舞蹈的步法, 便与故事人物, 两俱扞格。

If the controls are lifted too quickly, however, capital could be expected to disappear rapidly overseas, causing a crash similar to the economic disaster experienced in Mexico.

If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country, I never would lay down my arms!

But if we are honest with ourselves, we'll admit that what too many fathers also are is missing - missing from too many lives and too many homes.

> Instead it was the result of a Wei Village precedent that ran something like this: if Ah-seven slugged Ah-eight, or if Li-four clobbered Zhang-three, no one§thought anything of it. But if such an incident was connected to some eminent personage like his nibs Old Master Zhao, then it would be permanently recorded on the lips of the people. (Lyell)
> In Weizhuang, as a rule, if the seventh child hit the eighth child or Li So-and-so hit Zhang So-and-so, it was not taken seriously. A beating had to be connected with some important personage like Mr. Zhao before the villagers thought it worth talking about. (Yangs)
> In Weizhuang, public opinion went something like this: no one took any notice if any Li, Wang or Zhang began slapping each other about. It was only when a man of reputation like Mr Zhao got involved that such an imbroglio was singled out for public approbation, with the hittee sharing in the hitter's glory. (Lovell)

有了古时的文化,才有现在的文化,有了祖先,才有我们。但倘如 古时文化永远不变,祖先永远存在,那便不能有现在的文化和我们了。

最近听见他们学校里动手开农场,我心里想,不要就是我家那块地皮吧?倘如 是我家的,当然,犯不着让人家占了去;你们想是不是?于是我捡出那张旧契来看。

两年前,吴英恺就写下遗嘱:“我已91岁,生命即将到尽头,后事必须从简。倘如 发现不治之症,不必积极治疗,尽量减少痛苦,让我自然归去。死后做病理解剖,与病历对照,有教学作用的标本由病理科保存。请安贞医院联系火化,不保留骨灰,不化妆,不举行告别仪式,不发讣告,不开追悼会……”
+ 倘如 倘如 [tang3 ru2] /if/
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