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Change log entry 69327
Processed by: richwarm (2020-03-03 10:04:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65452 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① be discouraged and unhappy
② be in low spirits

| 《史记.卷五八.梁孝王世家》:「三十五年冬,复朝。上疏欲留,上弗许。归国,意忽忽不乐。」
| 《汉书.卷五二.韩安国传》:「乃益东徙,意忽忽不乐。」

if i had not met them, i would have spent my college years alone in the dorm, unhappy and silent.

> He tried to write the whole thing off by telling himself that he'd been robbed by his own sons, but somehow or other he still felt disappointed and depressed. Then he considered dismissing it by calling himself a bug, but somehow or other that left him feeling just as depressed and disappointed as ever. For the first time in Ah Q's life, he tasted something like the real bitterness of defeat. (Lyell)
> Even to consider this tantamount to being robbed by his son did not comfort. To consider him as an insect did not confront him either. This time he really tasted something of the bitterness of defeat. (Yangs)
> He tried telling himself his son had stolen it; his discontent continued to simmer. He told himself he was a slug - still no peace of mind. Now, only now, did he feel the bitterness of defeat. (Lovell)

急得五内俱焚的窦惠可怜地翘首望着母亲,“娘,怎么办?这里人太多了,他根本没听到我。”一时拿不下主意的薛氏也愁着眉看着女儿,“娘也不知道该怎么办。”母女俩忽忽不乐 地呆站在前面,听着出价声此起彼落,没多久,一阵柔嗲嗲的声音就传进他们耳朵里了!

“考不上就算了,顶多不念。”她忽忽不乐 ,不高兴他老提醒她念书,特别是在今天。
+ 忽忽不樂 忽忽不乐 [hu1 hu1 bu4 le4] /disappointed and unhappy/dispirited/
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