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Change log entry 69316
Processed by: richwarm (2020-03-02 23:25:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65791 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
it's chicken rather than ostrich.
(all dicts say so)
Editor: ok, fair enough
- 縮頭烏龜 缩头乌龟 [suo1 tou2 wu1 gui1] /person who refuses to face reality or confront a problem/ostrich/
# + 縮頭烏龜 缩头乌龟 [suo1 tou2 wu1 gui1] /lit. a turtle pulling its head in/fig. coward/chicken/
+ 縮頭烏龜 缩头乌龟 [suo1 tou2 wu1 gui1] /a turtle that pulls its head in/(fig.) coward/chicken/
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