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Change log entry 69274
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-27 02:44:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65809 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
据前贤 考证:英语Arabia < Arab < 法语 Arabe < 拉丁语 Arabs, Arabus < 希腊语 Araps < 阿拉伯语 Arab。(〈表示“源于”)
19世纪末20世纪初,我国学人翻 译外来词语,常将地名或人名中的A译为“亚”,如:Aachen亚琛 、Abel亚伯 、Aden亚丁 、Adam亚当 、Adams亚当斯等。
当时 常将la和ra译 为“剌 ”,如:Malila马尼剌 、Malaria麻剌利亚(疟疾)、Lavander剌贤垤尔(拉芬大,薰衣草)、Karat卡剌 特(克拉,200毫克)、Mahakala摩诃葛剌(马哈吃剌,大黑神)等。
《文史杂志》2009年 第2期

> His head was so jam-packed with crisscrossed pieces of firewood he thought it was going to burst: 5, 5, 25-a chaos of arabic numerals was indelibly stamped across the front of his brain. (Lyell)
> His head seemed to be bursting as if filled to the brim with sharp faggots. Five fives are twenty-five — scattered Arabic numerals were still imprinted on his brain. (Yangs)
> His head now felt swollen, stuffed full of firewood. 5 x 5 = 25... Arabic numerals crowded his brain. (Lovell)

他遵从了母亲的劝告,这亚剌伯文的《先知》又冷冷地闲搁了五年。到二十五岁,他又在巴黎了,这声誉鹊起的年轻的画家,已引起了罗丹的注意,他的画也已有两次被选入在沙龙画展里了,这时他才动手把全诗重写一遍,但仍旧是用的亚剌伯 文。

一九三○年母亲逝世之后,我病了一场,病榻无聊,把从前爱读的、黎巴嫩诗人纪伯伦写的散文诗《先知》重读一遍,纪伯伦从小饱经忧患,到处飘流,最后在美国定居,他用亚剌伯 文写了许多作品,都已被以后他又用英文写了许多作品,而这本《先知》是被世界的读者们称之为他的代表作的。

这“寡妇”二字,应该用纯粹的中国思想来解释,不能比附欧,美,印度或亚剌伯 的;倘要翻成洋文,也决不宜意译或神译,只能译音:Kuofuism。

Editor: I presume you meant Yalabo rather than Yababo.
The tone for "la" differs according to which reference I check.
I'm going to go with Grand Ricci's first tone.
# 亞剌伯 亚剌伯 [Ya4 ba4 bo2] /(old) Arab/Arabic/
+ 亞剌伯 亚剌伯 [Ya4 la1 bo2] /(old) Arabia/Arab/Arabic/
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