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Change log entry 69241
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-22 22:17:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65453 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. wait until; go on waiting

wait until (a certain time or period)

| ~下雨才回家。

| 元.王实甫《西厢记.第三本.第二折》:「直待我拄着拐帮闲钻懒,缝合唇送暖偷寒。」

动 一直等到(某个时间)
| 直待领导提醒才发现问题的严重性。

The third evening, he sat in his study waiting for his lover. The young lady did not appear until midnight

直待朋友来接她, 她才起身离开.
She didn't stand up, and leave until her friend came to pick her up.

Lu Hsun, who was defending Yiling, avoided battle for over seven months until Liu Pei " was at his wits' end and his troops were exhausted and demoralized" . Then he crushed Liu Pei's troops by taking advantage of a favourable wind to set fire to their tents.

Another case is that of the adherents of the Chang Kuo-tao line, who did not admit the impossibility of establishing our bases in the regions of the Tibetan and the Hui peoples until they ran up against a brick wall.

Calls came from many people to "respect the ethics of the teacher-student relationship" or to "work together to build a new campus culture." Nevertheless, in most social issues these days such appeals fade when the news story behind them comes to an end, and they are left to wait for the next controversy to be dragged out all over again.

He would religiously rise each morning a little after eight, have a light breakfast and then bury his head and begin feverishly drawing without a break, except for lunch, right on until the stars came out before he would rest.

> Although Ah Q was indeed often victorious, it wasn't until he had been graced with a slap across the mouth from Old Master Zhao —for his temerity in laying claim to the Zhao family name—that he finally became famous. (Lyell)
> Although Ah Q was always gaining victories, it was only after he was favoured with a slap in the face by Mr. Zhao that he became famous. (Yangs)
> In Ah-Q's long and illustrious record of victories, it was the slap he had received from Mr Zhao that made his reputation. (Lovell)

> They waited and waited, but there was nary a peep within the temple compound. Unable to stand the suspense, the lieutenant persuaded two of his bravos—for a reward of twenty strings of cash, one full thousand to the string—to scale the temple wall. Once inside they let their cohorts in through the gate, and together they all thundered onward to Ah Q's room and took him captive there. When they had dragged him out to the machine gun emplacement, he was beginning to wake up. (Lyell)
> For a long time nothing stirred till the captain, losing patience, offered a reward of twenty thousand cash. Only then did two militiamen summon up courage to jump over the wall and enter. With their co-operation, the others rushed in and dragged Ah Q out. But not until he had been carried out of the temple to somewhere near the machine-gun did he begin to wake up to what was happening. (Yangs)
> After a lengthy wait, uninterrupted by any kind of noise or movement, the captain grew anxious enough to offer a reward of twenty thousand coppers, at which two of the militiamen at last bravely volunteered. Once the vanguard had scrambled in over the wall, the forces outside rushed in to capture Ah-Q, who didn't begin to wake up until he was parked, a prisoner of the law, to the left of the machine-gun outside the temple. (Lovell)
+ 直待 直待 [zhi2 dai4] /to wait until/until/
By MDBG 2024
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