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Change log entry 69234
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-20 22:33:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63469 - submitted by 'polaris' >>

From http://opinion.people.com.cn/n/2014/0916/c159301-25668909.html

2、"爱恨交加、相爱相杀” 且看苹果高通缠斗如何收场
From http://ip.people.com.cn/n1/2017/0818/c179663-29479571.html

3、商家对竞价排名 “爱恨交加”,买了排名的商户,必须掏腰包加大补贴活动才能刺激销量
From http://www.xinhuanet.com/tech/2016-08/15/c_129228830.htm

Editor: I don't think "love-hate" is a suitable definition for 爱恨交加.
爱恨交加 can function as a predicate, whereas "love-hate" cannot.

Examples where 爱恨交加 is used as a predicate.
- 令技术世界爱恨交加的AWS
- 对美国爱恨交加?
- 我也有个让我爱恨交加的朋友。
# 愛恨交加 爱恨交加 [ai4 hen4 jiao1 jia1] /love-hate/(Of a relationship) characterized by feelings of love and hate, simutaneously/
+ 愛恨交加 爱恨交加 [ai4 hen4 jiao1 jia1] /to feel a mixture of love and hate/
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