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Change log entry 69211
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-16 21:46:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65440 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* In the literal sense it simply means insect, 昆虫.

n. 〈wr[itten].〉
① insects; reptiles
②〈derog.〉 (earth)worm



1. 昆虫的通称。
| 《汉书.卷二七.五行志中之上》:「虫豸之类谓之孽,孽则牙孽矣。」
2. 骂人轻贱的话。
| 《三国志.卷五三.吴书.薛综传》:「日南郡男女倮体,不以为羞,由此言之,可谓虫豸,有腼面目耳。」
| 《新五代史.卷二八.唐臣传.卢程传》:「尔何虫豸,恃妇家力也!」

名 <文> 虫子。

Myriads of small marine insects swarm the ocean.

In due time, the tree gradually succumbed to the attacks of insects and lost much of its beauty.

I'm not so sure that it's strictly only insects. Various dictionaries define 虫豸 as 虫子, but 虫子 doesn't necessarily refer to insects. A typical definition for 虫子 is 昆蟲及類似昆蟲的小動物 (LAC).
The Contemporary Chns Dict has
虫豸: same as 虫子
虫子 : insect or insect-like small creature; [...]; worm
(various other definitions mention "worm" too)

"insect or insect-like small creature" is much the same thing as "small bug", I think.

By the way, doesn't that marine insect example strike you as odd? I don't think there are any insects that live under the surface of the ocean (i.e. 海中), are there?

"The only truly marine insects living far from the shore is the sea skater or Halobates. But even they do not live in the water."
- 蟲豸 虫豸 [chong2 zhi4] /small bug/base person (used as a curse word)/
# + 蟲豸 虫豸 [chong2 zhi4] /insect (literary)/base person (used as a curse word)/
+ 蟲豸 虫豸 [chong2 zhi4] /insect or insect-like small creature (literary)/base person (used as a curse word)/
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