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Change log entry 69206
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-16 19:12:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65744 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Hāi is an interjection, not an onomatopoeia for the sound of sighing.

intj. (of sorrow/surprise/etc.)
| 咳, 我真糊涂。
| Damn, how stupid I was.

[expressing sadness, regret or surprise]
| 咳, 我怎么这么糊涂!
| Damn it! How stupid I was!
| 咳, 真有这种怪事儿!
| What! That’s really strange!

| ~声叹气
| ~!真让人料想不到!


| 明.汪錂《春蕪記.第五齣》:「咳!不意今日出來,惹了一場風月債。」

Oh, the museum is closed.

"Have you ever seen a decapitation?" Ah Q asked. "Wow! Is that ever somethin' to see! Killin' the revolutionaries—yup, that's a real sight!" (Lyell)
“Have you seen an execution?” asked Ah Q. “Ah, that's a fine sight. . . . When they execute the revolutionaries. Ah, that's a fine sight, a fine sight.. . .” (Yangs)
'Ever seen an execution?' asked Ah-Q. ' Now, that's a sight. They're always executing revolutionaries. Oh, it's a sight, a sight…' (Lovell)

Editor: There's some evidence for "sound of sighing"
1) ABC has 咳聲嘆氣 sigh and moan
2) Grand Ricci has an entry
咳 hāi (or hài) onomat. and interj. for the sound of a sigh: Hélas! ah!
3) Key says 1. [interj.] ... 2. sigh
- 咳 咳 [hai1] /sound of sighing/
# + 咳 咳 [hai1] /(interjection expressing surprise, sorrow, regret, disappointment etc) oh/damn/wow/
+ 咳 咳 [hai1] /sound of sighing/(interjection expressing surprise, sorrow, regret, disappointment etc) oh/damn/wow/
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