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Change log entry 69205
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-16 18:53:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65745 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
adapted from PLC

goa1 --> gao1
far --> far away

Secondly, people in the Chinese community, who formerly saw politics as something far removed and irrelevant to their lives, now suddenly feel the need to stick together.

However, it was often impossible for more distant locales, like Fujian and Guangdong, to receive the official almanac in a timely fashion.

They're totally outside the loop here. You of course know the phrase, 'Heaven is high and the emperor is far away.' Well, it was people like my grandmother who coined it.

local politics in the haikou area are linked only tenuously to what goes on in distant Taipei, and the concept of democracy hasn't made much headway here.

Due to its remote location, schools in this region have been subject to less governmental control.
# 天高皇帝遠 天高皇帝远 [tian1 goa1 huang2 di4 yuan3] /lit. the sky is high and the emperor is far (idiom)/fig. remote place where law is not strictly enforced/
+ 天高皇帝遠 天高皇帝远 [tian1 gao1 huang2 di4 yuan3] /lit. the sky is high and the emperor is far away (idiom)/fig. remote places are beyond the reach of the central government/
By MDBG 2024
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