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Change log entry 69197
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-16 17:56:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65752 - submitted by 'pepe' >>
There's a whole website for it

1) Misleading definition

"top ten" is typically a noun.
.. whereas 十大 is not a noun. It's a sequence of two adjectives (meaning "ten" and "great" respectively).

As a sequence of adjectives, 十大 needs to be followed by a noun, as in "David被评选为公司十大杰出青年。"
.. whereas "top ten" doesn't.
"In a new list of best travel websites, ours makes it into the top ten."

2) Is the entry needed?

世界五大知識產權局 means "the world's big five IP offices".
I don't think you need a dictionary entry for 五大 to understand that.

美國三大電視網 means "the three major US television networks".
Is it necessary to have an entry for 三大 to understand that expression?
# 十大 十大 [shi2 da4] /top ten/
By MDBG 2024
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