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Change log entry 69166
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-02-12 09:38:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65349 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* The meaning is fairly obvious but I don't think the rhetorical value is necessarily obvious. It's not "who expects sth?" but "who would have expected that sth would happen?" -- implying no one would.
* cf. my submission for 岂料.

v.p. Who could have known?

| 鲁迅《社戏》:谁料照例, 人都满了, 连立足也难。

But who would ever have predicted that he would blossom into a romantic film comedian ?

我在公共汽车上转过身来, 谁料後面坐的竟是我的前妻.
I turned round on the bus and who should is sitting behind me but my ex wife.

> I asked around and found out that Tan Xinpei wouldn't come on until fairly late in the evening. I knew that the Foremost was a modern theatre where you didn't have to fight for seats, and so felt perfectly safe in putting off my departure for the theatre until nine o'clock. I never dreamed it would be just as packed as ever, and that it would be difficult to find even standing room. It was all I could do to squeeze my way into the crowd at the back. On stage in the distance I saw an old woman (Lyell)
> I learned that Tan Xinpei made his appearance late in the evening, and the Number One Theatre was a modern one where you did not have to fight for your seat. That reassured me, and I waited till nine o'clock before setting out. To my surprise, just as before, it was full. There was hardly any standing-room and I had to squeeze into the crowd at the rear to watch an actor singing an old woman's part. (Yangs)
> Tan Xinpei, I learnt, would be making a late appearance, and as the theatre in question was a fairly modern building, I imagined there would be no need to fight over seats. Setting out overconfidently at nine o'clock, I soon discovered that - yet again - the theatre was packed; that even standing room was in short supply. I squeezed into the crowd, and began watching some squawking actor impersonate an old woman far, far away on the stage itself. (Lovell)
+ 誰料 谁料 [shei2 liao4] /who would have thought that/who would have expected that/
By MDBG 2024
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