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Change log entry 69153
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-11 00:17:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64676 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Most dictionaries with both senses of the word show a difference in pronunciation: jǐliang when it means “back” and jǐliáng when it means “backbone” (And only Wenlin/ABC and CEDICT give the meaning “backbone” for jǐliang). LAC has jǐliáng for “back” as a Taiwanese pronunciation.
* Definition “back” for 脊背 is ambiguous.
* cf. 背部, it may be a good idea to use the same definition on the three words 脊梁 jǐliang, 脊背 and 背部.

※ jǐliang
n. spine; backbone

back (of the human body)
| 光着脊梁
| bare-backed

| 光着~拉纤
| ~上渗出了汗珠。

名 <口> 脊背
| 光着脊梁在院里乘凉。

※ jǐliáng
名 脊柱; 比喻支撑事物的中坚力量
| 民族的脊梁。

1. 人和脊椎动物的中轴骨骼。人的脊梁包括颈、胸、腰、骶和尾5个部分,中有椎管,内有脊髓。也作「脊柱」。
2. 比喻引发关键作用的中坚人物。
| 民族的~。

| 《水浒传.第一回》:「取过丹诏,用黄罗包袱,背在脊梁上。」
- 脊梁 脊梁 [ji3 liang5] /backbone/spine/
+ 脊梁 脊梁 [ji3 liang2] /backbone/spine/Taiwan pr. [ji3 liang5]/
+ 脊梁 脊梁 [ji3 liang5] /(coll.) back (of a human or other vertebrate)/
- 脊背 脊背 [ji3 bei4] /back/
+ 脊背 脊背 [ji3 bei4] /back (of a human or other vertebrate)/
# editor: adding ~
- 背部 背部 [bei4 bu4] /back (rear part of the torso)/back (the area of a vertebrate animal's body on either side of the backbone)/(anatomy) dorsum/
+ 背部 背部 [bei4 bu4] /back (of a human or other vertebrate, or of an object)/
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