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Change log entry 69138
Processed by: monigeria (2020-02-09 18:41:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62392 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. my submission for 发懵

§ fāmēng
v.o. 〈topo.〉 get confused; get into a muddle
§ fāméng
v.o. 〈trad.〉 teach a child to read and write

§ fāmēng
get confused; get into a muddle; be at a loss
| 他有点儿发蒙了, 不知道从哪里下手。
| He was a little at a loss, not knowing where to begin.
§ fāméng
teach a child to read and write; teach a child his ABC

§ fāmēng
【陆】fāmēnɡ 【台】fāménɡ
| 考卷一打开,他就~了
| 你怎幺~,不知道该做饭了。
§ fāménɡ
1. 启发、引导孩童或初学者学习基础的知识或技能。
| ~教育
| ~老师。
2. 〈书〉启发蒙昧。 启蒙 开蒙
| ~解惑,不足以言也(《文选‧枚乘‧七发》)。

§ fāménɡ
1. 启发蒙昧。
| 《易经.蒙卦.初六》:「发蒙,利用刑人,用说桎梏,以往吝。」
2. 旧时指教儿童开始识字读书。
| 宋.周𪸩《清波杂志.卷五.发蒙师》:「或谓童稚发蒙之师,不必妙选,然先入者为之主,亦岂宜阔略。」

§ fāmēng
动 <口> 犯糊涂; 不知道该怎么办
| 突如其来的事故, 弄得他直发蒙。
§ fāménɡ
动 启蒙①。
[动 向初学者传授入门的基本知识或技能]

Unlike Mr Perry, Mr Gingrich does not go blank in the middle of television debates.

I got into a muddle when he asked me the question.

He felt his head swimming.


ed: t <=> s
also adding: "比喻轻而易举" for 发蒙 [fa1 meng2] from《古汉语大词典》: "比喻轻而易举"
# 发蒙 發蒙 [fa1 meng1] /to be confused/to be at a loss/Taiwan pr. [fa1 meng2]/
# 发蒙 發蒙 [fa1 meng2] /(old) to instruct the young/to teach a child to read and write/
+ 發蒙 发蒙 [fa1 meng1] /to be confused/to be at a loss/Taiwan pr. [fa1 meng2]/
+ 發蒙 发蒙 [fa1 meng2] /(old) to instruct the young/to teach a child to read and write/as easy as ABC/
By MDBG 2024
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