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Change log entry 69108
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-08 07:08:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64553 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
I've seen clothing stores advertising that they have the latest in IP clothing, which is a funny thing to promote but I guess it's catching on.

· 针对文化IP(intellectual property,即知识产权)评价中的“唯流量论”、恶意炒作等不良现象,日前举行的第十三届北京文博会发布了《面向高质量的发展:2017—2018年度IP评价报告》,首次从国家文化建设的角度评价和思考IP成长与培育,避免商业利益的过度影响。对于文化产业来说,此举有助于为IP建设树立路标,从而构建属于当代中国的文化符号。
· 以发掘中国传统文化经典IP为创作源的国产动画片,具有旺盛的生命力和广泛的受众基础。
· 自然语义理解、图像识别、视频增强等技术的出现,也让利用人工智能重制经典IP,突然火成了一门潮流的生意。

Editor: Web snippets:

"the filmmaker was in Beijing to attend the press launch for The King of Blaze, a tele­vision series created from – what else? – IP, in this case You Su-lan’s popular Taiwanese manga from 1991."

"A lot of industry players mark 2015 as the first year of IP movies. "

"Chinese investors’ appetite for purchasing intellectual property (IP) for adaptation has been growing since 2015. But the amount spent acquiring IP remains far lower than in developed markets."
# IP IP [I P] /intellectual property (i.e.: licensed content)/
+ ! IP IP [I P] /intellectual property (in China, esp. since 2015, often used as an entertainment industry term for a creative work used as the basis of a new product, such as a manga adapted as a tv series, or the image of a cartoon character appearing on merchandise)/
+ ! IP劇 IP剧 [I P ju4] /screen adaptation (TV series or movie based on an online novel or video game etc)/
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