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Change log entry 69105
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-08 00:55:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65693 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Seems to mostly be used as part of the expression 同仇敌忾/敌忾同仇 (first variant is in the dict.). In this expression 敌忾 refers to hatred towards a common enemy, but I think 敌忾 by itself can be just hatred towards *one's* (perceived) enemy. In the quotation from 阿Q正传 below, Ah-Q, who hates nuns, feels 敌忾 when he sees one. This hatred is not shared.

n. hatred toward the enemy

hatred towards the enemy

| 《東周列國志.第七一回》:「安得穰苴今日起,大張敵愾慰蒼生。」

> He headed away toward the wineshop and by the time he drew near the door he had long since begun to feel quite happy again.
But walking straight toward him was a young Buddhist nun from the Convent of Silent Cultivation. Even in ordinary times, Ah Q would always have spit whenever he ran across a nun and now, having just been humiliated, he had all the more reason. At this point he began to think back over his day and once again began itching for revenge. (Lyell)
> He walked slowly away and by the time he approached the tavern door he was quite cheerful again.
Just then, however, a little nun from the Convent of Quiet Self-Improvement came walking towards him. The sight of a nun always made Ah Q swear; how much more so, then, after these humiliations? When he recalled what had happened, his anger flared up again. (Yangs)
> By the time he reached the entrance to the tavern, he was feeling rather pleased with life.
A young nun from the Convent of Quiet Cultivation advanced towards him. She would have got a heckle out of him at the best of times, and now, with the memory of his recent humiliations fresh in his mind, was no time to hold back. Bile rose up at the memory of the day's debacles. (Lovell)

我记得在这回北平沦陷期间,日本人及其同侪曾再西提出火烧圆明园这一案,来唤起我们对大英帝国的敌忾 。我不好说啥。纵说,也不好说他们错。

但在团体方面,陈白与女角萝的名字,为众人习惯连在一处提及的已经有了多日,这就是说他们的恋爱已到成了公开的事实。因为这理由,这大学生对于陈白抱了一种敌忾 ,也就很久了。
+ 敵愾 敌忾 [di2 kai4] /hatred felt toward one's enemies/
By MDBG 2024
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