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Change log entry 69098
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-02-07 13:00:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64990 - submitted by 'sl89' >>

> As the sun gathered in the last of its rays, the river air silently recovered its coolness. The threshing ground was now a busy chorus of chopsticks and bowls. Every spine was beaded with sweat. (Lyell)
> The sun had withdrawn its last rays, the darkling water was cooling off again. From the mud flat rose a clatter of bowls and chopsticks, and the backs of all the diners were beaded with sweat. (Yangs)
> The sun gathered up the last of its rays, the surface of the river stealthily greeting their departure with fresh, cool air. All along the mudbank, spines beaded with sweat as chopsticks clattered on bowls. (Lovell)

我们问她:‘小苹果孩’是劳动人民吗?她答不上来。其实他父母才是劳动人民。”他越说越急,鼻尖上冒出汗粒 。

有一天,小玛拉哈前额上挂着珍珠般的汗粒 ,跑来找我:“咱们到小河里摸鱼去,又凉快又好耍。”
+ 汗粒 汗粒 [han4 li4] /bead of sweat/
By MDBG 2024
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