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Change log entry 69091
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-07 08:07:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65684 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
The entry for 好香 that we just had reminded me of this.

1. (Internet slang, neologism) used to describe someone doing something that he or she had previously swore never to do [from 2014]
2. Used other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see 真,‎ 香.




“真” means “really,” and “香” means “tasting good.” Voted one of top popular catch phrases of the year by search engine Sogou, this term originated from a Mango TV reality show called “The Deformation,” which captured the reactions of different people when given a huge role change. In one episode, Wang Jingze, a boy from a rich family in a big city, was thrown into a rural village to live a few days. Wang said he would rather die than eat their local food at first, but at the end of his stay he claimed the food was so good that Chinese netizens came to use this term as a metaphor for one’s self-contradictory words or actions.


A: 王阿姨说要给你介绍个女朋友。

Wáng āyí shuō yào gěi nǐ jièshào ge nǚ péngyou。

Aunt Wang said she would set up a date for you.

B: 我都不报希望,又漂亮又能干的女生哪里要等人介绍男朋友?

Wǒ dōu bú bào xīwàng,yòu piāoliàng yòu nénggàn de nǚshēng nǎlǐ yào děng rén jièshào nánpéngyou?

I don’t really count on her. If the girl is pretty and capable, she will not have to wait for someone else to set her up.

A: 那可不一定,别到时候又说真香。

Nà kě bù yīdìng,bié dàoshíhòu yòu shuō zhēnxiāng。

You can’t be too certain. You may go against your words.

4. So Delicious! (真香警告)

真香 can be roughly translated as “so delicious”, and 警告 just means “warning”. A term mocking hypocrites and people who break their promises easily.

The term actually originated from a 2014 scene on X-change, a reality show airing on Hunan TV. The show arranges urbanites and rural participants to swap lives temporarily for a change. One pampered urbanite on the show, Wang Jingze, refused to eat meals served to him in the village, vowing, “I, Wang Jingze, would rather die than touch your food!” Then the next scene cuts to Wang digging heartily into his bowl, exclaiming, “Shit! So delicious!” as he gobbles up his food. The scene has since gone viral on the internet and quickly became a meme to roast those who fail to keep their words easily.

“I, Wang Jingze, would rather die than touch your food!”

A: What’s this guys even famous for? He’s not even good looking.
(5 minutes later)
A: Oh shit, he’s so hot when he’s dancing! I love him.
B: So delicious! (mockingly)
# 真香 真香 [zhen1 xiang1] /“that's great” (said by someone after bitching about the exact same thing earlier) (neologism c. 2014)/
+ 真香 真香 [zhen1 xiang1] /awesome (expression of approval used hypocritically after bitching about the exact same thing earlier) (neologism c. 2014)/
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