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Change log entry 69055
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-02-02 11:04:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65665 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
A: 正是如此,电影节马上要上映4k修复版的《三毛流浪记》了,不如你也来感受一下?
That's right, the film festival is about to release a 4k repaired version of "San Mao Rang Ji", why don't you come and experience it?

B: 大荧幕上看老电影,好呀,我也要来身临其境!
To watch old movies on the big screen, sure I want to be there myself!

1) 真正身臨其境,開車來到這綠色「城牆」下,才驚覺:這「牆」還真高啊,足足有十五公尺左右,相當於五層樓了。
Down on the ground, when we drive close up to these green "castles," we are in for a bigger surprise: their "walls" are remarkably high-a full 15 meters or more, as tall as a five-storey building.

2) 為了帶給觀眾身臨其境的真實感,史博館特別將展場入口設計在二樓,製造出一種由地面下到坑底、回溯歷史的情境。
In order to create the feel of an actual descent into the emperor's tomb, the museum has arranged the exhibit so that visitors enter on the second floor and descend from there into a tomb-like atmosphere on the first floor,

3) 若非身臨其境,絕對難以想像那原始大地所暗藏的危險與辛苦。
+ 身臨其境 身临其境 [shen1 lin2 qi2 jing4] /(idiom) to experience it for oneself/to actually *be* there (as opposed to reading about it etc)/
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