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Change log entry 69034
Processed by: richwarm (2020-01-31 20:15:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64279 - submitted by 'sl89' >>

The parted mouth of Tashtego revealed his shark-white teeth, which strangely gleamed as if they too had been tipped by corpusants; while lit up by the preternatural light, Queequeg’s tattooing burned like Satanic blue flames on his body.
塔斯蒂哥的鲨鱼牙比以前更白了,而且闪着光。魁魁格身上的刺花 也闪着恶魔一样的青光。
Herman Melville, Moby Dick; or The Whale

She had correspondences with clerical gentlemen in most of our East and West India possessions; and was secretly attached to the Reverend Silas Hornblower, who was tattooed in the South Sea Islands.
她和东印度群岛大多数属地上的传教士们都有书信往来,并且私下看上了南海群岛一个身上刺花 的沙哀勒斯-霍恩伯洛牧师。
William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair

战俘们用力敲打着铁锅与洋铁罐,大声叫喊着「打倒毛泽东!打倒共产党!」彷佛作为对抗。他们替彼此身上刺花 ,刺上反共口号或是青天白日旗,因为他们感到一种心理上的需要,要把他们的决心成为不可挽回的,否则总觉得未来太不确定

从有些大概是从沙漠或农村来的妇女的脸上,可以看出她们还有在脸上刺花 的习惯,特别在两颊下部和下巴上,这就大大损害了她们的容颜。

His shirt was open, exposing the blue and red lines of the tattoo on his chest.

Actually, I was wondering about your tattoo.

* * *
n. tattoo

Battered felt hats, tarpaulin caps, hideous woollen nightcaps, and, side by side with a short blouse, a black coat broken at the elbow; many wore women’s headgear, others had baskets on their heads; hairy breasts were visible, and through the rent in their garments tattooed designs could be descried; temples of Love, flaming hearts, Cupids; eruptions and unhealthy red blotches could also be seen.
凹瘪的宽边毡帽,油污的遮阳帽,丑陋的毛线瓜皮帽,并且,肘弯有洞的黑礼服和短布衫挤在一起,有几个人还戴着女人的帽子,也有一些人顶个柳条筐,人们可以望见毛茸茸的胸脯,从衣服裂缝里露出的刺花 纹的身体:爱神庙、带火焰的心、爱神等。
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables [tr. Isabel F. Hapgood]

马萨伊族女人,以剃光头为美,而男子则爱好梳辫子。马康迪人常在自己脸上刺花纹 。

西西里人通常不让人家给他们身上刺花纹。 他们没有这样的机会,也没有这样的爱好。
Sicilians do not often let themselves be tattooed, they do not have the opportunity nor the inclination.

The customer came around the serving shelf, reached down and ripped the buttons off the shirt. The chest was covered with blood, but the tattoo was visible, the intertwined lovers and the knife transfixing them.

Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord .
Leviticus 19:28

Editor: I'm not convinced that 刺花纹 is a noun.
1) You didn't provide any examples of noun usage.
2) Searching for "他的刺花纹" I get zero results on Baidu and just one result on Google.
3) Even though ABC says "n." they spell the pinyin as two words: "cì huāwén", which suggests that they actually regard it as a v.o. (verb-object 动宾离合词)
+ 刺花 刺花 [ci4 hua1] /to tattoo/tattoo/
# 刺花紋 刺花纹 [ci4 hua1 wen2] /to tattoo/tattoo/
+ 刺花紋 刺花纹 [ci4 hua1 wen2] /to tattoo/
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