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Change log entry 68972
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-01-26 10:32:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65330 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Dictionaries that have 喝 as an interjection note it is now generally written 嗬.
* The interjection is sometimes under hē and sometimes under hè. Hè seems more natural to me for an interjection and that's how it is in MoE. 现代汉语大词典 has it both ways, but most dictionaries seem to put it under hē.
* "My goodness!" is awfully specific an interjection. Hē is more like oh!, huh!, wow!... any sound expressing surprise, really. I think it would be better to leave this definition in the entry for 嗬. Here 喝 is really just a phonetic loan and separating what is different makes it clearer.

* How is "to shout loudly" not redundant?
* I'm also afraid "to shout loudly" sounds intransitive, while 喝 can be transitive: you can shout something (such as an order: 喝令).

* MoE has a third pronunciation yè (形:声音幽噎嘶哑。)

* Making clear it is an interjection, and giving better examples of equivalent English interjections.

※ Hē

① drink
| 他喜欢喝咖啡。
| He likes drinking coffee.
② shout (a command)

1 drink
| 喝茶
| drink tea
| 喝汤
| drink soup
2 drink liquor
| 喝醉了
| get drunk
| 爱喝两盅
| be fond of drinking

VARIANT OF 嗬 hē/hè
ah; oh

1. 饮用液体或流质。
| ~水
| ~酒
| ~粥。
2. 特指喝酒。
| ~醉了
| 吃~嫖赌。
3. 喝的东西;特指酒。
| 今天午宴的招待非常好,有吃有~。


1 动 咽下液体或流质食物
| 喝茶
| 喝牛奶
| 喝汤
| 喝粥。
2 动 特指饮酒
| 到我家去喝两杯
| 喝醉了。
3 名 喝的东西; 特指酒
| 家里有吃有喝。

同嗬 现在一般写作“嗬”。
注意 “喝”字读hè, 表示大声叫嚷。

※ Hè

b[ound].f[orm]. shout loudly

shout loudly
| 大喝一声
| give a loud shout

动 大声叫嚷
| 大喝一声
| 喝令
| 喝彩。

4 感叹词。
| 华山《鸡毛信》:喝!村子里到处好忙。

※ 嗬
intj. oh; ah

ah; oh
| 嗬, 这小伙子真棒!
| Oh, what a fine young chap!
| 嗬, 怎么这么贵!
| Wow, how expensive!

| ~!真巧
| ~!干得好
| ~!没想到竟然中奖了。

叹 表示惊讶
| 嗬, 真棒! | 嗬, 这回考得真不错!

Oh, if that's case, what should we stand here waiting for?

Oh, you do know this idiom?

Oh, what a wonder!

Well, talk of the devil, here is old Johnson.

MR WU: Oh, thank you very much. Wow, this is very nice!
- 喝 喝 [he1] /to drink/My goodness!/
+ 喝 喝 [he1] /to drink/variant of 嗬[he1]/
- 喝 喝 [he4] /to shout loudly/
+ 喝 喝 [he4] /to shout/
- 嗬 嗬 [he1] /hey! (exclamation)/I say!/
+ 嗬 嗬 [he1] /(interjection expressing surprise) oh!/wow!/
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