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Change log entry 68960
Processed by: richwarm (2020-01-25 17:21:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65509 - submitted by 'pepe' >>
Found in PLC, ABC, OCC, GF


1) "Found in PLC, ABC, OCC, GF"
Yes, but *why* is it in all those dictionaries?

苏绣 is not just a random case of "{locality} + 绣". (There would be hundreds of those.) It's the name of one of the four major schools of Chinese embroidery.

"The Suzhou school is one of the four most famous schools of embroidery in China (the others being centred in Hunan, Guangdong, and Sichuan provinces)."


2) trad character: 綉 --> 繡
(蘇繡 is far more common than 蘇綉.)
# 蘇綉 苏绣 [su1 xiu4] /Suzhou embroidery/
+ 蘇繡 苏绣 [Su1 xiu4] /Suzhou embroidery, one of the four major traditional styles of Chinese embroidery (the other three being 湘繡|湘绣[Xiang1 xiu4], 粵繡|粤绣[Yue4 xiu4] and 蜀繡|蜀绣[Shu3 xiu4])/
+ 粵繡 粤绣 [Yue4 xiu4] /Guangdong embroidery, one of the four major traditional styles of Chinese embroidery (the other three being 蘇繡|苏绣[Su1 xiu4], 湘繡|湘绣[Xiang1 xiu4] and 蜀繡|蜀绣[Shu3 xiu4])/
+ 蜀繡 蜀绣 [Shu3 xiu4] /Sichuan embroidery, one of the four major traditional styles of Chinese embroidery (the other three being 蘇繡|苏绣[Su1 xiu4], 湘繡|湘绣[Xiang1 xiu4] and 粵繡|粤绣[Yue4 xiu4])/
- 湘繡 湘绣 [Xiang1 xiu4] /Hunan embroidery/
+ 湘繡 湘绣 [Xiang1 xiu4] /Hunan embroidery, one of the four major traditional styles of Chinese embroidery (the other three being 蘇繡|苏绣[Su1 xiu4], 粵繡|粤绣[Yue4 xiu4] and 蜀繡|蜀绣[Shu3 xiu4])/
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