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Change log entry 68943
Processed by: richwarm (2020-01-23 17:30:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63779 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* “render meritorious service” was probably in ACE and was repeated by every dictionary since. It sounds a bit pompous but it's a very good translation, 立功 is also used in pompous circumstances.

v.o. render meritorious service

VERB render meritorious service; do a deed of merit; win honour; make contributions
| 立大功
| render outstanding service
| 立新功
| make new contributions
| 立一等功
| win a first class merit citation
| 立集体三等功
| be awarded a class three collective commendation
| 立功受奖
| be awarded for a meritorious action
| 立功赎罪
| do good deeds to atone for one’s crimes

动 建立功绩
| 在部队立功3次
| 在这次抢险救灾中, 很多战士立了功。

Those who surrender themselves voluntarily and perform major meritorious service after committing a crime shall be given a mitigated punishment or exempted from punishment.

He repeatedly distinguished himself in the troops.

Those who have had their sentences reduced to life imprisonment can have their sentences further commuted to a set term of imprisonment if they show repentance and exemplary behaviour during prison service.

Those who perform deeds of merit will be rewarded.

Criminal elements who perform meritorious service by exposing other people's crimes that can be verified or who provide important clues leading the cracking of other cases may be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment.

> probably in ACE
Yes, the entire entry in ACE (definition and examples) is identical to the current PLC entry.
+ 立功 立功 [li4 gong1] /to render meritorious service/to make worthy contributions/to distinguish oneself/
By MDBG 2024
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