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Change log entry 68890
Processed by: richwarm (2020-01-14 23:41:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64639 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Both senses, sound of laughter and stammering, are well attested; the issue here is the pronunciation. ABC says it can be pronounced chīchī or qīqī and both are types of laughter (stifled and giggling), no other dictionary distinguishes types of laughter. 现代汉语大词典 says when read chīchī it's the sound of stammering, while when read qīqī it is the sound of laughter. 规范词典 only has the pronunciation chīchī which for both the sound of laughter and stammering (&枪弹声等). I'm submitting both senses I have evidence for and the only pronunciation I have no doubts about.

chīchī: on. sound of stifled laugh See also qīqī
qīqī: on. sound of giggling See also chīchī

giggle; titter; chuckle
| 她吃吃地笑出声来。
| She giggled.

拟声 模拟笑声、口吃声和枪弹声等
| 他听了吃吃直笑
| 一急就吃吃地说不下去
| 子弹从耳边吃吃飞过。

| ‘这这些些都是费话’, 又一个学者吃吃的说, 立刻把鼻尖胀得通红。
| 我忽而听到夜半的笑声, 吃吃地, 似乎不愿意惊动睡着的人。

She gave a delighted giggle.

He was close behind her and she could hear him laughing softly to himself.

My brother always chuckles when he reads a comic book.

He often stammers during his speeches.

The other woman nods, but her eyes do not move from the spot on which they are fixed. Her voice is gentle, too, as she stammers, "Look . . . look there . . . what . . . what's that?" (Lyell)

At first, his ears made him aware of the words that were coming from his mouth, but then gradually they tuned out and he no longer knew what his mouth was saying. By the time he got to "The Ambitious Plans of Shi Le," he heard nothing but a swelling flood of laughter that now burst through the dikes of lips no longer able to contain it. (Lyell)


1) ABC says its entry
吃吃 ³qīqī on. sound of giggling
is based on Far East dictionary ("reference vfe192a1"), but my copy of that dictionary has an entry that says the pronunciation is jíjí (but is otherwise identical to ABC's).
It may be a case of ABC copying incorrectly.

2) Grand Ricci has an entry for 吃吃而笑 in which 吃吃 is pronounced jíjí.

3) Grand Ricci says 吃吃 is onomatopoeia for the sound of a muffled laugh ("un rire étouffé").
In other words, 吃吃 is different from an unrestrained 哈哈 -- as you would expect from the pronunciation of those two words.
# 吃吃 吃吃 [chi1 chi1] /(onom.) sound of laughter/sound of stammering/
+ 吃吃 吃吃 [chi1 chi1] /(onom.) sound of muffled laughter/sound of stammering/
By MDBG 2024
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