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Change log entry 68872
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-01-14 09:46:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65561 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Executive summary:
- "hot compress" is 热敷布, not 热敷.
- 热敷 means "application of a hot compress"; it doesn't refer to the hot cloth (hot compress).


1) A "hot compress" is a physical object (such as a cloth dipped in hot water or a bag of hot sand) that is applied to a part of the body.

"A soft, absorbent cloth folded into several layers, dipped in hot water 107° to 115°F (41.7° to 46.1°C), barely wrung out, and placed on the part to be treated. It is covered with a piece of cloth."

2) 热敷, on the other hand, is a verb.
LA ~ 把熱的溼毛巾、熱沙袋或熱水袋等放在病變部位的皮膚上,以增強局部血液循環,促使發炎症狀消退(與「冷敷」相對)​。
J examples:
- 热敷前要试好温度,
- 热敷时先将其浸入热水(是沸水)大约5分钟。

Or, as a noun, it is a kind of treatment ("application of a hot compress to the skin") -- not the physical hot cloth itself.

Another example:
"One can also apply a hot compress made by filling a bag with pan-heated salt or sand."

3) "hot compress" is 熱敷布, not 熱敷. See the following dictionary entry:

compress - noun [ C ]
a thick, soft piece of cloth that is pressed to a part of a person's body to stop bleeding or to reduce pain or swelling
: a cold/hot compress: 冷/熱敷布
- 熱敷 热敷 [re4 fu1] /hot compress/
+ 熱敷 热敷 [re4 fu1] /to apply a hot compress/
+ 熱敷布 热敷布 [re4 fu1 bu4] /hot compress/
- 冷敷 冷敷 [leng3 fu1] /cold compress/
+ 冷敷 冷敷 [leng3 fu1] /to apply a cold compress/
+ 冷敷布 冷敷布 [leng3 fu1 bu4] /cold compress/
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