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Change log entry 68838
Processed by: vermillon (2020-01-11 22:00:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65556 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) I don't think it can mean "concentrated", as in
- a concentrated campaign
- a concentrated effort
I didn't find examples of that usage. Other dictionaries define 专注 as a verb, and none of the ones I checked had an adjective like "concentrated" as a gloss.

2) 专注 not "devoted".
专注 is about giving one's full attention to something. There is usually no element of loyalty or dedication involved.

3) Verb: "to concentrate; to focus; to give one's full attention"

a) 無法專注表演,
unable to concentrate on the performance,

b) 絕大多數的過動兒服下這種藥物,可以專注、安靜二到四小時。
The vast majority of hyperactive children placed on this medication can concentrate and sit still for two to four hours.

c) Lynn is now concentrating on finishing the term paper.

d) Such standalone devices are most successful when they focus on a narrow set of functions,
- 專注 专注 [zhuan1 zhu4] /concentrated/single-mindedly devoted to/
+ 專注 专注 [zhuan1 zhu4] /to focus/to concentrate/to give one's full attention/
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