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Change log entry 68800
Processed by: vermillon (2020-01-03 13:24:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65471 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 1 / 2
it seems the format in most of our "math" entries is with a dot... math --> math.
- 閉包 闭包 [bi4 bao1] /closure (math)/
+ 閉包 闭包 [bi4 bao1] /closure (math.)/
- 閉圖象定理 闭图象定理 [bi4 tu2 xiang4 ding4 li3] /closed graph theorem (math)/
+ 閉圖象定理 闭图象定理 [bi4 tu2 xiang4 ding4 li3] /closed graph theorem (math.)/
- 閉子集 闭子集 [bi4 zi3 ji2] /closed subset (math)/
+ 閉子集 闭子集 [bi4 zi3 ji2] /closed subset (math.)/
- 二進 二进 [er4 jin4] /binary (math)/
+ 二進 二进 [er4 jin4] /binary (math.)/
- 二進制 二进制 [er4 jin4 zhi4] /binary system (math)/
+ 二進制 二进制 [er4 jin4 zhi4] /binary system (math.)/
- 聚點 聚点 [ju4 dian3] /meeting point/accumulation point (math)/
+ 聚點 聚点 [ju4 dian3] /meeting point/accumulation point (math.)/
- 絕對連續 绝对连续 [jue2 dui4 lian2 xu4] /absolutely continuous (math)/
+ 絕對連續 绝对连续 [jue2 dui4 lian2 xu4] /absolutely continuous (math.)/
- 立方根 立方根 [li4 fang1 gen1] /cubic root (math)/
+ 立方根 立方根 [li4 fang1 gen1] /cubic root (math.)/
- 六方最密堆積 六方最密堆积 [liu4 fang1 zui4 mi4 dui1 ji1] /hexagonal close-packed (HCP) (math)/
+ 六方最密堆積 六方最密堆积 [liu4 fang1 zui4 mi4 dui1 ji1] /hexagonal close-packed (HCP) (math.)/
- 梅森素數 梅森素数 [mei2 sen1 su4 shu4] /Mersenne prime number (math)/
+ 梅森素數 梅森素数 [mei2 sen1 su4 shu4] /Mersenne prime number (math.)/
- 面心立方最密堆積 面心立方最密堆积 [mian4 xin1 li4 fang1 zui4 mi4 dui1 ji1] /face-centered cubic (FCC) (math)/
+ 面心立方最密堆積 面心立方最密堆积 [mian4 xin1 li4 fang1 zui4 mi4 dui1 ji1] /face-centered cubic (FCC) (math.)/
- 內切 内切 [nei4 qie1] /(math) to inscribe/internally tangent/
+ 內切 内切 [nei4 qie1] /(math.) to inscribe/internally tangent/
- 配方 配方 [pei4 fang1] /prescription/cooking recipe/formulation/completing the square (to solve quadratic equation, math)/
+ 配方 配方 [pei4 fang1] /prescription/cooking recipe/formulation/completing the square (to solve quadratic equation, math.)/
- 配方法 配方法 [pei4 fang1 fa3] /completing the square (method of solving quadratic equation, math)/
+ 配方法 配方法 [pei4 fang1 fa3] /completing the square (method of solving quadratic equation, math.)/
- 切空間 切空间 [qie1 kong1 jian1] /space of sections (math)/
+ 切空間 切空间 [qie1 kong1 jian1] /space of sections (math.)/
- 求和 求和 [qiu2 he2] /to sue for peace/to look for a draw (chess)/summation (math)/
+ 求和 求和 [qiu2 he2] /to sue for peace/to look for a draw (chess)/summation (math.)/
- 商域 商域 [shang1 yu4] /field of fractions (math)/
+ 商域 商域 [shang1 yu4] /field of fractions (math.)/
- 實數 实数 [shi2 shu4] /real number (math)/actual value/
+ 實數 实数 [shi2 shu4] /real number (math.)/actual value/
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