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Change log entry 68756
Processed by: richwarm (2019-12-22 10:50:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65451 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. container car

Global supply chain operations use hundreds of thousands of container trucks to transport valuable packages and items within and across continents.

On the Vietnamese side, more than a dozen maroon-hulled motorboats were docked, upriver from the border city of Lao Cai. Just as many container trucks were parked bumper-to-bumper along a narrow road leading to the crossing, baking in the midday sun.

旧金山湾区东方食品商会(Oriental Food Association)发言人周晓滨(Taylor Chow)表示,全美各地的华裔社区都依赖于从亚洲进口到西海岸的食物。他说,他位于奥克兰的分销公司美国大华(American Tai Wah)几乎有10个装满酱油——他估计大约有10万瓶酱油——以及醋、淀粉、面条和罐头的大型货柜车滞留在沿海的货船里。
Taylor Chow, spokesman for the Oriental Food Association in the San Francisco Bay Area, said that Chinese communities across the country were dependent on food imported from Asia to the West Coast. His distribution company, American Tai Wah in Oakland, had almost 10 huge container cars full of soy sauce — about 100,000 bottles, he estimated — and vinegar, potato starch, noodles and canned foods sitting in freighters off the coast, he said.

There's nowhere to hide from South Texas' scorching June sun. Although located in Texas' desert region, El Paso still sees a surprisingly high volume of traffic due to its proximity to the border. In front of customs, a line of huge container trucks awaits border inspection; meanwhile, an endless flow of cars speeds along the highway linking El Paso and Ciudad Juarez.

從零下50 度超低溫保存艙拖出的大目鮪、黃鰭鮪,包裹著一層美麗的白霜,遇到攝氏20度的室溫,發出一縷縷白煙。卸貨工人熟練地操著苦力叉,一勾把重達幾十公斤的大目鮪拖進冷凍貨櫃車,過磅後將輸往日本。
Deep-frozen bigeye and yellowfin tuna are taken out of –50°C freezers. Covered with frost, the fish grow shrouded in snowy mist when they hit the ambient temperature of +20°C. The unloading crew skillfully operates the forklifts, moving pallets of bigeye tuna weighing dozens of kilos into refrigerated containers. After weighing, they will be shipped to Japan.

Outside a factory four blocks long, several large container lorries are parked, apparently waiting to depart.

Editor: There's very little evidence here that 貨櫃車 can mean "container car" (a type of railway car).

a) ABC's definition, which has a note saying it was based on FE (Far East) dictionary.
However, I have two editions of FE, and neither of them has an entry for 貨櫃車.

b) One of your example sentences uses the term "container car". That example (your third) strikes me as suspicious. The article states there are "container cars ... sitting in freighters off the coast". I expect it was actually *containers* sitting in the freighters, not container *cars*. Why would they load rail cars onto a ship as well as the containers?

So 貨櫃車 just seems to mean "container truck" -- pretty much a sum-of-its-parts term of marginal value.

The new def for 貨櫃 is based on LA etc.
# 貨櫃車 货柜车 [huo4 gui4 che1] /container car/container truck/
# Editor:
+ 貨櫃車 货柜车 [huo4 gui4 che1] /(Tw) container truck/
- 貨櫃 货柜 [huo4 gui4] /container (for freight transport)/see 集裝箱|集装箱[ji2 zhuang1 xiang1]/
+ 貨櫃 货柜 [huo4 gui4] /counter for the display of goods/(Tw) container (for freight transport)/
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