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Change log entry 68742
Processed by: richwarm (2019-12-15 10:53:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65468 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. straw weaving; straw-woven ware

woven straw ware



名 利用草本植物的茎、叶等编成的各种手工艺品的统称。如河北、河南、山东的麦草编, 浙江的金丝草编。

We produce a wide variety of arts and crafts such as straw weaving product, bamboo weaving product and mental product, and so on.

China' s woven straw items are popular for their elegant designs and practicality.

Township enterprises engaged in traditional straw and food processing.

Editor: Not convinced that it can refer to a physical item or material: ("woven straw" or 草编织品), despite what some dictionaries seem to be saying.
That sort of thing is not mentioned in, for example, New Century, New Age or Contemporary C-E dicts.
草編 *can* be used as an *attributive* equivalent to "straw-woven" or "plaited" (as in 草编帽子, for example).
But "straw weaving" does the job for that, as in the example above: 比如草编织品 "straw weaving product".

Extra example: "straw weaving"
"I've been weaving rush and sedge all my life. Can bamboo be all that tough to work with?"
# 草編 草编 [cao3 bian1] /straw weaving/woven straw/
+ 草編 草编 [cao3 bian1] /straw weaving/
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