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Change log entry 68726
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-12-13 13:57:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65454 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v[erb].p[hrase]. for a wonder

| 《文明小史.第三○回》:「说也奇怪,那邢钱老夫子没有一个不是绍兴人。」

There was a fellow here last year, oddly enough a namesake of mine, who was the best bridge player I ever met.

Strangely enough, people with damage to the emotional system are, paradoxically, more rational in making certain types of decisions.

说也奇怪,大自然不丰赐五谷时, 却往往多降婴儿.
Nature, very oddly , when the horn of plenty is quite empty, always fills it with babies.

Strangely enough, I said the same thing to my wife only yesterday

Oddly enough, he do not seem to remember his own birthday.

We are going to start with something called" turtle" graphics. Oddly enough, our turtle will look like a penguin.

It's strange that Chinese people are so superstitious about names, yet are so willing to donate their surnames to others. Not only did the emperor act this way, wealthy families would also assign their family names to their servants, just as the Jia family does in the classic novel Dream of the Red Chamber.

Strange to say, after the temple was built, the villagers never again heard the sound of soldiers marching at night, and when they asked Li's spirit to help them or to divine the future, they often found their prayers answered. So in 1976 the villagers collected money and enlarged the temple to its present size.

Strange to tell, after the slapping incident everyone did in fact seem to treat Ah Q with unusual respect. (Lyell)
After this incident, strange to relate, it was true that everybody seemed to pay him unusual respect. (Yangs)
The funny thing was that his fellow villagers did begin to treat him with a new respect. (Lovell)

Editor: wow, I thought we had this one already.
+ 說也奇怪 说也奇怪 [shuo1 ye3 qi2 guai4] /strangely enough/oddly enough/strange to say/
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