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Change log entry 68696
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-12-05 09:06:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65417 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* cf. 瘦骨伶仃

| 元.马致远《岳阳楼.第二折》:「只为你瘦伶仃无人盼,才长大便争攀。」
| 元.宋方壸〈一枝花.妖娆体态轻套.梁州〉曲:「瘦伶仃腿似蛛丝,薄支辣翅如苇煤。」

| 鲁迅《阿Q正传》:这时阿Q赤着膊, 懒洋洋的瘦伶仃的正在他面前, 别人也摸不着这话是真心还是讥笑, 然而阿Q很喜欢。

> Bare-chested at the time and standing right in front of the old man, Ah Q looked so scrawny and worn-out that one couldn't tell whether the old fellow had really meant it or was simply making fun of him. Nonetheless, Ah Q had been pleased as punch. (Lyell)
> Ah Q, bare-backed scrawny sluggard, was standing before him at the time, and others could not tell whether the remark was serious or derisive, but Ah Q was overjoyed. (Yangs)
> considering our hero's bare, torpidly scrawny torso - that was the closest anyone ever got to constructing a personality profile of him. Those who overheard him couldn't make out whether his eulogizer was being genuine or sarcastic; but Ah-Q, at least, was delighted. (Lovell)

好行者,拽开步,走近前观看,那怪物:假变一婆婆,两鬓如冰雪。走路慢腾腾,行步虚怯怯。弱体瘦伶仃 ,脸如枯菜叶。颧骨望上翘,嘴唇往下别。老年不比少年时,满脸都是荷叶摺。行者认得他是妖精,更不理论,举棒照头便打。

这种尺寸,虽然有些模胡,不过总不至于相差太远。反之,我们也能将少的增多,无的化有,例如戏台上走出四个拿刀的瘦伶仃 的小戏子,我们就知道这是十万精兵;刊物上登载一篇俨乎其然的像煞有介事的文章,我们就知道字里行间还有看不见的鬼把戏。
+ 瘦伶仃 瘦伶仃 [shou4 ling2 ding1] /emaciated/scrawny/
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