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Change log entry 68680
Processed by: kerrick (2019-12-01 17:14:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65360 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. old practice/habit/example

old practice (or custom, rule)

| 照~办就是
| 先查查有无~可供参考。

| 《文明小史.第三○回》:「现在太爷动了气,要回大老爷重办我们,却被俺猜着了,为了咱们老例没送的缘故。」

名 相沿已久的规矩或惯例。

As always, a Pixar movie is preceded with one or more animated shorts.

In some companies the CFO, controller, or accounting staff performs this in addition to their regular responsibilities

The old rule barring women and poor people from the banquets in the ancestral temples has also been broken.

Last July and August, when the peasant associations were still weak, the landlords, following their long established practice of maximum exploitation, served notice one after another on their tenants that rents and deposits would be increased.

> These non-Chen people who rented rooms in his family homestead had long been familiar with their landlord's habits: whenever an examination year rolled around and that strange glimmer appeared in his eyes after the list was posted, they knew their best course was to close their doors early and mind their own business. (Lyell)
> His tenants knew from years of experience that after he had seen the results of the country examinations their best course was to close their doors early and mind their own business. (Yangs)
> The other families lodged in his house knew that whenever the examination results were published, the same wild look came into his eyes, and the best response was to shut their doors as early as possible and ask no questions. (Lovell)

> 他们是没有受过新教育的,太太并无学名或雅号,所以也就没有什么称呼了,照老例虽然也可以叫“太太”但他又不愿意太守旧,于是就发明了一个“喂”字。
> Since neither of them had received a modern education, his wife had no "school name" or elegant nickname, and thus he had no fashionable term of address to use with her. In accordance with old and established precedents, of course, he could simply have called her "Wife," but he didn't want to appear too far behind the times, and so he had invented the title "Hey!” (Lyell)
> They had not had a modern education, and as his wife had no school name or poetic name, he did not know what to call her. For although he could have used the old term “madam,” he did not want to be too conservative and hence had invented this “Hey.” His wife had not even a “Hey “for him. (Yangs)
> As neither of them had been blessed by a modern education, his wife had not been privileged to receive a serviceably dignified given name for public or private use. A more traditional sort of husband would have made do with Taitai, or 'lady-wife', but Fang was too progressive for that. (Lovell)
+ 老例 老例 [lao3 li4] /custom/customary practice/
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