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Change log entry 68656
Processed by: richwarm (2019-11-22 04:49:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65325 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
Inspired by the other sub I just submitted, 人从众yu:

Baidu Baike:
火炎焱燚是一个词语,拼音是 huǒ yán yàn yì ,用于形容火势越来越猛。

(“Fuzhou is getting HOT again! It’s No.1 in China, again!” 火 literally means “fire”, but here metaphorically means “hot” or “exciting”.)

(6) 神药板蓝根怎么变得这么火炎焱燚。
(“How can the magic medicine Banlangen become so POPULAR?!”)

In most cases, the use of an SCS does not change the original grammatical structure in
cases where only the base word is used. Like in (6), 火炎焱燚 as a whole is used as an
adjective and acts as predicate in the sentence, as is the base word 火 when used without
the superposed words of 炎焱燚. Also, 火炎焱燚 in the sentence can be read aloud by
prolonging the sound of 火 (/huǒ/). That is to say, disregarding the internal abnormal
structure of 火炎焱燚, this SCS fits into the sentence properly and observes standard

Since the first SCS was created in 2012, four years have passed. [...] A search for 又双叒叕 in Baidu’s search engine (on Oct. 10, 2016) brings about 781,000 results for 火炎焱燚.

"The Intermediate Status of Superposed Chinese Sequences (SCS): An Ecolinguistic Perspective"
Jun Wang, Soochow University, China
# 火炎焱燚 火炎焱燚 [huo3 yan2 yan4 yi4] /on fire (also read: huo3 huo3 huo3 huo3 huo3 huo3 huo3 huo3 huo3 huo3)/
+ 火炎焱燚 火炎焱燚 [huo3 yan2 yan4 yi4] /hot (i.e. popular) (emphatic form of 火[huo3]) (neologism c. 2016)/
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